Saturday, June 28, 2008


If you haven't heard... the north pole may be ice free this summer! This will open up a great new route for ships to sail. Finally the world will have access to the potentially huge oil reserves. This could be a great opportunity to cut down on shipping costs as a result of the new shipping route and could also cut down on oil costs if the drilling is successful. Go Global Warming!

Thursday, June 26, 2008


A new "eco-nightclub" is opening in London next month. The floor is going to be able to generate electricity from people dancing. Its actually pretty cool and I appreciate the ingenuity... but I do not appreciate the discrimination of the night club! In order to be let into the nightclub you are forced to "sign a pledge promising to work towards curbing climate change." I think it is pretty unbelievable in order to be allowed into a night club you have to sign a pledge to fight climate change. Climate change is a good thing! We should be supporting the warmth not coercing people into signing pledges to stop it. Just another ploy by another company to get people to buy their product (attend their night club) by guilting people into "being green."

Link to article on electric generating floor:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Benefits of Global Warming

Several of the benefits of global warming:

Warmer weather (who doesn't like it? I'm sure the Russians will love a couple of extra degrees of warmth in the winter!)

More CO2 to help the plants grow (which makes the planet greener!)

Less expensive to heat your house in the winter (potential savings of $12 billion dollars a year in the U.S. ... we all want to save money)

Less snow and ice related traffic accidents and deaths (I don't enjoy slipping on the ice and breaking stuff)

New and wonderful species can evolve for us to enjoy (survival of the fittest)

Endangered species that enjoy warm weather will have more regions to survive and thrive

People a couple of blocks away from the ocean will now have ocean front property

With melting ice the Bering Strait could now become an oceanic highway

If you like calamari... squid react to warmer water by adding extra body mass

Clouds causing global warming

An interesting article recently published in USA Today says global warming may be caused by clouds. But... I thought Al Gore said "anyone who believes global warming is not man-made is like someone who believes the earth is flat." Al Gore didn't invent the internet, but we might soon find out he did invent man-made global warming. Just another reason you should not join the Al Gore cult. Global warming is a natural cycle that should be supported!

Article from USA today:

Global warming forecast: Partly cloudy

By Doyle Rice, USA TODAY
How clouds respond to global warming poses a huge challenge for climate scientists, since clouds are far more changeable in real life than models can predict. However, experts do agree that the level of future global warming greatly depends on clouds.
A new study finds that natural variations in how clouds form could actually be causing temperature changes, rather than the other way around, and could also lead to overestimates of how sensitive the Earth's climate is to greenhouse gas emissions.
"Since the cloud changes could conceivably be caused by known long-term modes of climate variability, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, or El Niño and La Niña, some, or even most, of the global warming seen in the last century could simply be due to natural fluctuations in the climate system," says lead author Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama-Huntsville.
Spencer and his co-author William Braswell point out that the paper doesn't disprove the theory that humans are causing global warming. Instead, they report that "it offers an alternative explanation for what we see in the climate system which has the potential for greatly reducing estimates of mankind's impact on Earth's climate."
"But we really won't know until much more work is done," he added. In addition to this article, Spencer has published several others that question the scientific consensus about climate change, which states that human-produced greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are causing global warming.